Pure Presence Conferences

Amoda Maa

After Awakening, a Deeper Surrender

A session with Amoda Maa (Spiritual Teacher and Author)

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About this Session

Awakening is often only “the beginning” and there is a call for a deeper surrender if nondual realization is to be integrated into a living truth. Amoda Maa offers profound pointers to this ongoing journey of embodiment, shedding light on the stickiness of the “self that has awakened” and the trap of the transcendent view of “nobody here.” Her invitation is to a gentle yet radical openness of the heart that allows nondual realization to filter into the totality of the human experience. Her book “Embodied Enlightenment” has been pivotal over the past few years in bringing the conversation about what it means to be fully awake and fully human into the foreground of nonduality, exploring topics that usually remain untouched in the rarified view of enlightenment and based on her own direct experience as well as the thousands of dialogues with spiritual seekers struggling with living the truth in everyday life.

September 17, 2021, 09:45 PM

09:45 PM - 11:15 PM

About The Speakers

Amoda Maa

Amoda Maa

Spiritual Teacher and Author