Pure Presence Conferences

Ilona Ciunaite

Author, Guide

About this speaker

Born in Lithuania, Ilona’s spiritual search started after experiencing stillness of the mind, which felt like being at home. In 2010 she found what she was looking for and immediately started sharing with others. Out of her passion to assist seekers in awakening, the Liberation Unleashed movement was born. And in 2016, Ilona published the book, Liberation Unleashed, which serves as a guide to seeing through the illusion of the separate self. Ilona holds meetings online and in person and facilitates Deep Looking sessions that teach a kind way to look and meet what arises in one’s experience so that a shift from tightness to lightness can occur.

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Deep Looking: A simple way to inner peace

September 18, 2021, 03:00 PM
Ilona Ciunaite